About Us
Constituency Board
As members of the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities Constituency Board at USF, we are proud to serve as the representatives and voice of CARD constituents across the 14 counties CARD-USF serves. Members of the Board come from diverse backgrounds and represent a wide range of connections to autism. We are autistic adults ourselves, relatives of autistic children or adults, or both. Many of us have been around the autism world for decades, but we also include members who are new to the world of autism. No matter who we are, it is always our goal to represent YOU, the constituents.
The CARD Constituency Board meets 4 times a year with the Director and Staff of CARD-USF to review CARD activities and help plan future events to engage the community and promote autism education and inclusion. Guests are always welcome to join or share ideas with the Constituency Board so that we can be your voice and represent community needs.
We want to hear from you and would love you to share your ideas, concerns, questions, or suggestions. Please contact us through email: card-usf@usf.edu and a Board member will respond to you directly. Interested in joining our diverse board, please complete the candidate form through the labeled box below.
Constituency Board Candidate Form
Constituency Board Members

Darcy Pritchett

Sandra Worth

Michelle Vinokurov

Pam Hillestad

Lisa Bunn

Dolly Ferraiuolo

Valerie Bailey

Jada Murray

Nicholas Dester

Naomi Schauer